Our Full Management service is the favourite choice for most landlords.
This service is designed to not only save you time, but also worry and money.
You’ll be able to sleep easy at night with the knowledge that your property is being professionally managed 24/7 by agents.
We will manage the whole let for you, from finding tenants to repairs and maintenance.
We’ll ensure your investment is compliant with the frequently changing laws concerning tenancy agreements.
This service is ideal for those who do not wish to be involved in the day to day management of their property.

What Is Included?
Property Inspections
We will conduct periodic property inspections during the tenancy.
On top of our bi-monthly phone calls to tenants to ensure everything is okay, we will also visit the property after the first month, then after three months and then, as long as we are happy, every six months to make sure they are treating your property with care.
These inspections also mean we are often able to spot any issues with the property and nip them in the bud before they become expensive.
An initial market valuation of your property
Our property manager has expert knowledge of the local area and are always ready to help you achieve the best possible rental value for your property.
Property Marketing
To find the right tenants for your property we will advertise your property both on and offline.
We will advertise your property on Rightmove, Zoopla and other online portals.
We have prospective tenants who are regularly notified of new properties that match their requirements.
We pre-reference all prospective tenants.
Once we are instructed, we aim to have the property listing live within 48 hours.
The cost: Full Management Service...£480 (inc. VAT) due on commencement of the tenancy plus 12% (inc. VAT) of monthly rental. This is due on a monthly basis.
Lidbury management is not VAT registered and, therefore, will not charge VAT. (Fees £400 + 10%)
Guided viewings
After marketing your property, we will start right away with viewings.
We will conduct viewings during the day, in the evening and on the weekend.
On average, it takes us 14 days before we find the correct tenant for your property.
Tenant Referencing
We always ensure tenants have been fully referenced before they move in and where applicable a guarantor is asked for.
We wouldn’t place anyone in your property that we wouldn’t want in our own investments.
Our referencing process provides identity & fraud information, written verification of employment and income, full credit checks, previous letting references and affordability calculation.
Tenancy Agreement
Once tenants have passed referencing and confirmed they want to move in, we will begin writing up a contract between yourselves and the tenant.
All properties and tenants are different so we write tenancy agreements which will best protect your property.
And of course, we have all agreements checked over by Landlords Guild before handing them over to tenants.
Move-in monies
Once contracts have been signed, tenants must then pay the deposit (which will be equal to five weeks rent) and the first months’ rent before they can move in.
We will then register the deposit with DPS (Deposit Protection Service) within 5 working days.
Move in day
Once all the above is completed, it is time for the tenant to move in.
We will meet the tenant at the property and do a basic schedule of inventory, a professional inventory company can be engaged at an additional cost, as well as our first property inspection with the tenant present.
We then hand over two sets of keys to the tenant.
Rent Collection
Every month we will collect rent from the tenant on your behalf.
We promise to transfer the rent to you within five working day of it clearing our account, minus the full management fees of 10% (not including VAT).
In the rare case, a tenant does not pay rent on time, we will chase the tenant on your behalf for payment.
Tenant communications
Throughout the whole tenancy, we will be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year to help the tenant.
The tenant will be given their property managers mobile number and email address.
They will also be given an emergency number to call in case the situation is urgent and they cannot reach anyone in the office.
We promise to handle everything on your behalf, you never even have to have direct contact with your tenants.
Maintenance and repairs
We will help you by getting quotes for any minor/major work required to your property, both during a tenancy or between tenancies. We will also oversee all maintenance work.
We have a database of vetted, trusted contractors that we use time and time again, this ensures you receive a great service at a good price.
End of tenancy
Three months before the tenant’s tenancy agreement expires, we contact them regarding their future plans.
If the tenants want to continue renting your property, we will review the rent with yourselves before signing new contracts with the tenants (for a administrative fee of £50 excluding VAT).
Move out day
Whenever a tenant moves out, we will do another basic property inspection (or arrange a professional end of tenancy inventory) with the tenant and compare it with the original inventory.
If there are no problems, we release their deposit back to them.
If there are any problems, we will enter a claim against their deposit. We will then forward any deposit money onto you, the landlord.